Ourvision: Our college aspires to offer quality teacher education to enlighten,emancipate and empower the student teacher fraternity and to foster life longlearning. Our institution mainly visioned to produce quality teachers indifferent fields with a global view,enhancing values, ethics and professional practices and to motivate the wouldbe teachers towards vision of excellence.
Themission of our college is to prepare outstanding educators, scholars andresearchers. And to inculcate human values such as love, sincerity ,empathy,co-operation and constitutional values among the would be teachers and therebyimpart these values to their students to create a better society.
Visionand Mission
Toinfuse Social Service and Social Welfare, to convince conduct sports. To openlibraries and facilities the education of the Students. To meet the growingneeds of the teaching profession. To develop as an institution of excellence ineducation & research to produce skilled and trained teachers. The collegeprovides innovative curriculum to develop the interpersonal skills of students.